Next Level of Real Estate Investments.
Strong need of innovation and modernisation in the world of commercial real estate transactions encouraged us to develop a data compound to ease deal-sourcing and decision-making processes at every single stage of transaction.
Innovative Tools.
Our very strong analytical expertise since 2011, together with our perfect knowledge and understanding of our investors drove us to launch our Investor Account. It is the first platform in commercial real estate capital markets to enable perfect deal sourcing based on your investment criteria. Our data-driven tools significantly speed up the marketing process and the overall transaction time is shorter as the opportunities are addressed to the right investors with automatic alerts. Upon reception, our investors have 48 hours to give us their initial feedback.
Advanced Analytics.
Our complete database contains vast amounts of real estate data, including the financial performances of investment funds (over 198 investment vehicles) as well as the asset characteristics of over 9866 properties owned by the funds we follow in France and Europe. This allows us to source off-market opportunities that correspond to the investment criteria of our clients.
Our very initial product, Data Account, enables professionals to keep track of the current performances of real estate investment vehicles such as SCPI, OPCI, REITs, GF and SCI amongst others. It aggregates publicly available information and enables cross-analysis and market watch. Today, more than 198 vehicles are referenced and represent more than 127 Bn € of assets under management.
Data Account
Real time access to financial performances of real estate investment vehicles.
Investor Account
Access to our deal flow with personalised selection of assets corresponding your investment criteria.
Customised Offer.
Our database of investors is constantly growing and we have a perfect understanding of the current investment capacity and targeted assets of our clients. We provide you with a centralised platform giving you real time access to current opportunities and alerting you about every property corresponding to your specific criteria.
On the sell side, we address your assets to a very precise and limited list of investors to keep the maximum of confidentiality.

Jonathan DHIVER

Our client testimonials say it all.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority.
Very professional and serious team! We've closed the transaction quickly and in best conditions. Highly recommended.
client since 2019
My Data Account helps me a lot with my daily duties. I use my comparative tool over real estate vehicles for competitive benchmarking. It is definitely the most exhaustive database of French retail investment funds.
client since 2018
Frequently Asked Question
Who is Rock-n-Data?
Rock-n-Data is a PropTech specializing in real estate funds and support for real estate transactions. We offer you a professional tool for comparing real estate funds, personalized advice and professional support throughout the process of the real estate transaction.
The brand is owned by
Does Rock-n-Data operate in accordance with the requirements of French regulations?
Yes, the company is the holder of a Real Estate Transaction and Goodwill card (Carte T) issued by the Paris - Île de France Chamber of Commerce and Industry n ° CPI 7501 2016014272 valid until 11/20/2022. The company is insured by MMA IARD Assurances Mutuelles / MMA IARD number 127.128.613
What types of properties does Rock-n-Data offer?
The investment opportunities available on your Investor Account include assets of all types of real estate (let or vacant) in France and in Europe: offices, retail, warehouses, business premises, hotels, clinics, nurseries etc.
How to make an estimate of the property value?
We take care of an estimate of your asset based on the analysis of recent transactions and our basis of available offers.
Fill in the form and give us additional information via our 'Assets for sale' form and receive your estimate.
We then offer you a more optimal solution for marketing your asset.
I lost my password, what should I do?
Don't panic, your account is still active. Click on the “Forgot your password” section to reset the password. The form will be sent to you by email.
What is a VEFA?
The Sale in the Future State of Completion (VEFA) consists of the off-plan purchase of a property before its completion.
What is the source of the data displayed on the data account?
This is only legal and public information collected by our analyzes through monthly, quarterly, semi-annual newsletters (depending on the frequency of publication) and annual reports.
The data is analyzed by our analysts and the average processing time for the data is 1 month from the time of publication of the document. The history of data made available on the data account dates back to 2013 for SCPIs, 2017 for OPCIs and 2019 for other funds.
What services are proposed by Rock-n-Data?
Rock-n-Data is an expert in real estate data and real estate transaction.
Our services are available to all real estate professionals: management companies, real estate companies, consulting firms, real estate experts, etc.
We carry out real estate transactions with investors of all sizes in France and abroad: family offices, SCIs, investment funds, holdings.
How is Rock-n-Data paid?
The professional account is subject to an annual subscription with a minimum number of users.
On transactions we are remunerated by the buyer at the time of completion of the transaction (and in some cases we are paid by the seller). Subscription to the investor account and access to our deal flow is free under condition to share your investment criteria with us (refer to our general conditions of use).
Why choose Rock-n-Data over another agency?
We know perfectly the investment strategies of our investors we work with, which allows us to precisely target suitable potential buyers and avoid a broader market tour with wider dissemination of confidential information.
My search criteria have changed, how do I update my alerts?
To update your alerts, go to your investor area in the "I update my criteria" section to update your investment strategy.
What do you do with my personal details?
Your data is collected, processed and stored in our database. We guarantee you total protection of your personal data, in compliance with GDPR laws.
At any time, you have the right to permanent access, modification, rectification and deletion of data concerning you.
For more information, visit our CGUS.
What does stone-paper (pierre-papier) mean?
Concretely, these are general public real estate investment funds that collect funds from private investors, acquire real estate assets and earn rental income from it. This income is then distributed to the partners in the form of dividends.
According to the portfolio allocation strategies and legal regimes, we can identify SCPI (Société Civile de Placement Immobilier), OPCI (Collective Real Estate Placement Organization), GF (Forest Group), GFV (Groupement Foncier Viticole), SIIC (Société d ' Listed Real Estate Investment), SCI (Société Civile Immobilière).
How long is the subscription to the data account?
The professional account is subject to an annual subscription with a minimum number of users.