Imagine a world with perfectly sourced investment opportunities.
Find the perfect asset for your fund.
With our database that we have been constantly updating since 2011, we are able to find the perfect asset to respond to your investment criteria.
Trust our data.
We currently have 9866 potentially marketable assets in our database.
1559 assets
46.94 Bn €
4,184 m2
1477 assets
39.97 Bn €
7,994,741 m2
3632 assets
25.70 Bn €
12,851,189 m2
989 assets
14.37 Bn €
4,790,382 m2
3215 assets
36.99 Bn €
15,645,570 m2
4963 assets
87.12 Bn €
23,822,326 m2
381 assets
1.92 Bn €
968,323 m2
344 assets
7.11 Bn €
3,180,950 m2
136 assets
1.58 Bn €
882,918 m2
64 assets
2.59 Bn €
2,124,050 m2
Create Your Free Investor Account
...and let us know your criteria.
Share your investment criteria and create your investor account now to bring your asset picking activity to the next level.

Your investor account gives you.
An overview of current opportunities
In line with your criteria.
First hand information
personalised alerts about new opportunities corresponding to your strategy.
Decision making tools
with recommendations and macroeconomic environment of each asset.
Possibility of ordering specific off market asset picking service
based on our database of 9866 potentially marketable assets.
Possibility of updating your investment criteria at all times
at least twice a year to enable the most suitable asset sourcing.